Monday, November 26, 2012


direct current  ( DC ) is an electric current which have constant or periodic fixed value in time periodic, just take a look the picture from 0 time untill 2 second the value is still on 0.5.there is no frequency and amplitude.different from the alternating current which has a frequency and amplitude.
direct current frequently encountered in home appliances and telecommunications devices. such as mobile phones, dvd player, current source can we get from batteries, batteries, solar cells, etc.other than from the sources we can change alternating current into direct current using an adapter containing components rectifier to get direct current.

direct current widely used in our lives because it is safe and easy process and circuit assembly. just look at the motorcycle electrical system or our cars, electric current direction is obtained from the accumulator is filled by an alternating current generator are rectified and stored in the battery, a fully charged battery will supply some of the needs of the motorcycle electrical systems as well as our cars, such as lighting lamps, bell horn, to regulate the engine ignition system.

actual direct current is also dangerous to humans, remember in my previous article about the electric shock. either direct current or alternating current can cause negative effects to humans exposed to electric shock.


  1. Direct current is produced by electro-chemical and photo-voltaic cells and batteries and in this direct current circuit, electrons emerge from the negative, or minus.

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